
This is the documentation of Gratin (Graphs on Trajectories for Inference).

It is a tool to characterize trajectories of random walks, i.e. motion driven by random fluctuations. This type of motion is observed at various scales and in a wide diversity of systems. While this package was developed for the purpose of analysing experimental data coming from photo-activated localization microscopy (PALM) experiments, nothing prevents it from being used on random walk recordings coming from other experimental setups and other domains !

To extract summary statistics describing trajectories, Gratin mixes two ingredients :

Getting started


It only takes one function to train a model fitting your experimental data in terms of trajectory length, localization uncertainty, diffusivity range and time interval !

from gratin.standard import train_model

model, encoder = train_model(
    export_path = "/path/to/model", # indicate an empty folder where to store the model once trained
    num_workers = 4, # number of workers used to simulate trajectories during the training phase
    time_delta = 0.03, # time separating two successive position recordings in your trajectories (exposure time of the camera)
    log_diffusion_range = (
    ),  # log-diffusion is drawn following a truncated centered gaussian in this range
    length_range = (7, 35),  # length is drawn in a log-uniform way in this interval
    noise_range = (
    ),  # localization uncertainty, in micrometers (one value per trajectory)
    max_n_epochs = 100 # Maximum epochs on which to run the training.

Tests on simulations

Once the model is trained, you can check its performance on simulated data using the plot_demo() function. This will print the mean absolute error of the prediction of the anomalous diffusion exponent, and the F1 score of the random walk model classification task. This also plots embeddings of trajectories.

Note that you can specify traits of the trajectories on which you wish to test it, using the same parameters as the train_model() function. This is useful if you wish to test the model on data different from what it has been trained on. See Simulation-based inference for more details about the training procedure and the considered types of random walk.

from gratin.standard import load_model, plot_demo

model, encoder = load_model(export_path="/path/to/model")
    length_range = (7, 55), # these values can differ from those used during training
    noise_range = (0.015, 0.05)

Experimental trajectories

Finally, to use a trained model to get embeddings of your own trajectories along with predictions of the anomalous diffusion exponent and of the random walk type, you can use the following function, where trajectories is a list of (. ,D) Numpy arrays representing D-dimensional trajectories (coordinates are assumed to be chronologically ordered).

from gratin.standard import get_predictions

df = get_predictions(model, encoder, trajectories)
# Returns a pandas DataFrame with prediction results

All this is illustrated in the example notebook here.


To install Gratin on your machine, run

pip install gratin


Gratin relies on the torch-geometric package, the installation of which depends on your version of CUDA and Torch, as well as your OS. Note that it is not mandatory to have a graphic card at all to run Gratin.

You’ll find here the one-line-command that will install it on your machine.
